Hi, I'm Karla

I’m a business coach, brand and marketing strategist, educator,  podcaster and event speaker. I’ve been a coach and serial entrepreneur for over 12 years, teaching practices of self and business mastery. 

I help freedom minded, high-achieving entrepreneurs bring their gifts to the digital space so they can live without the cages of traditional entrepreneurship. 

During the pandemic I lost everything I had worked decades to build. My yoga and fitness studio, my community, my income, and my inner peace.

I had found “my thing,” my reason for being, and I knew how to turn that into a wildly successful business. But what I didn’t know was how vulnerable some business models were. 

I went from successful to suffering overnight and here’s what it taught me:

If you’re still living in the system, you’re still playing by someone else's rules. I understand the pain of thinking you have everything in life sorted out, only to find out how truly vulnerable you are. 

With these lessons leading the way, I started to rebuild my foundation - and let me tell you - I am never looking back. I am thriving now in ways society didn’t want me to believe were possible - and I’m showing you how to do the same.  It took me 6 months to recover what took 8+ years to build. 

The tools I teach you in my world rely on no one but YOU - which means that no one but YOU can stop you from having what you really want: unlimited freedom and a purpose driven life. 

I have studied with the very best experts in business and marketing, and the very best life and business coaches, investing over 6 figures into my own self education. Self education has given me more than any university degree ever has and it’s why I’m so passionate about being in this industry myself. 

My work lies at the intersection of mindset mastery, business energetics and sound strategy. Expect a healthy dose of logic and structure, strategy and little spirituality too. 

I’m a mother, a creator, and a freedom fighter at heart here to help you set yourself up well, in a world that’s ever changing. 

The biggest cages in life are the ones we create ourselves.

What would it feel like to be able to take your attention off of the world and focus on the things that you know will create financial abundance, happiness and impact for you, your family and the world? 

...Pretty Damn Good.

Ways you can work with me

The Sovereign CEO Academy

My private business coaching membership and online academy for freedom minded entrepreneurs.

The Sovereign CEO will give you all the tools you need to build an authentic personal brand, an aligned business model, sales and content strategies and tools for personal growth. This is the supportive, educational and interactive space that will give you everything you need right now to build a thriving digital business from the ground up.

This is exactly what I need

The Accelerated Mastermind

Accelerate your Impact and Results. An intimate, high-level coaching accelerator for freedom minded entrepreneurs ready to build and scale their business.

In this mastermind, you will learn how to create crystal clear content that converts and attracts the right people, unlock higher levels of mindset mastery, learn my science of business energetics, learn to love selling and (finally) turn your business into the success you’ve always known it can be.

Bring me into your inner circle

1:1 Coaching

I help leaders, coaches, healers and sovereign CEOs find their unique gifts, master their mindset so they can do the work, and finally create the freedom lifestyles that align with their deepest sense of purpose.

My work will help you become emotionally resilient, focused and goal oriented with a renewed passion for what you’re here to create in this world. A commitment to the investment in coaching is a commitment to getting what you want.


Whether you’re just starting out or ready to go all in on your mission, I’ve got you.

Listen to The Sovereign CEO Podcast

Real and honest conversations about business, politics and the great awakening. Listen to incredible brave guests say the quiet part out loud and learn tools and strategies that will serve you incredibly well during wild and uncertain times.

Watch us on YouTube!!

Subscribe here for full video episodes of The Sovereign CEO Podcast and receive bonus videos and content not seen anywhere else! 


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